Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Loved & Missed

Loved & Missed -- 5D & Schneider-Kreuznach Arton 85mm f4 for Kodak DKL Retina.  Larger Picture.

On the lamp post at the north west corner of Leslie & Eastern, a note that says:

"Loved & Missed
Isaac Morkel
Dec-20, 2005
Drive Safely"

Above the note is a bunch of white lowers with a red ribbon.  The ribbon gently moves with the wind.  When I looked at it, it was back lit and the red ribbon was very shocking to look at.  Isaac Morkel was hit and killed by a truck while riding through the intersection on his bike 4 years ago, 5 days from Christmas day.  I don't know Isaac, or the lady who posted the note and flower, but very obviously she loves him very much.  Isaac's gone but not forgotten.

Please drive carefully this holiday season, and watch out for cyclists and pedestrians.  Take care of yourselves and have a safe and happy holiday season.


  1. Thank you for posting this picture and your comment. It was, I guess you could say, providential that I stumbled across your website and came across the photograph. Isaac Morkel was my Uncle and we miss him very much. Thank you for your kind words.

  2. Thank you for the info of late Isaac Morkel. He was my cousin and we grew up together in Cape Town South Africa. Isaac left for Canada at a very young age during the apartheid years late 1960s. Sadly missed.

  3. Sorry for your loss. I ride my bike to work everyday and I can understand the danger involved. Your posts proved that a person does not go away even though they are physically gone. Take care.
