Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cube Art

Eric Limeback is a celebrity among Canadian speed cubers.  My kids, especially the older two, see him as a hero, a role model.  In fact, Eric appeared in Oprah once, and was interviewed by many media.  The Toronto Star ran an article on him about a week ago.  My kids found out that he works at CubeWorks in the Distillery District, and dragged me there to see him work.

It's fascinating to see pictures (sorry, art) created using just cubes.  The art pieces range from small ones using around 100 cubes to the gigantic Sistine Chapel made up of more than 250,000 cubes.  These art pieces are not cheap. The prices depends on the size, from a few hundred dollars to millions of dollars for the Sistine Chapel.

It's an eye opener, especially for an art blind person like me.

The CubeWorks Studio. You can see Eric and Sarah Strong (another amazing cuber) unpacking the cubes. Click to see larger.

The newly finishned Campbell's Soup piece. Click to see larger.

This is my favourite piece. The original has more pieces at the bottom. I had to crop it slightly due to some boxes at the bottom that I could not avoid. Click to enlarge.

You can find more pictures of art pieces in my gallery here.

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