My son Dillon, who just got into cubing a few months ago, asked me to register him for this competition. I must say that it's been an eye opener. As with many hobbies, there are fanatics in all of them. Cubing is no exception. But, all the cubers I have seen showed exceptionally good sportsmanship. The skills of some of the cubers are just beyond words. Who would have thought a 3x3 Rubik's cube can be solved in matters of seconds?
It's unfortunate that I had other commitments and could not stay for the top 10 final in this event. Below are some of the pictures I took for this competition.
Getting Ready. 5D & EF 35mm f1.4.
Speed Stacks. These things run on battery and less than half way through competition, the main display is dead due to drained batteries. Also the display is multiplexed (digits are displayed one at a time at high speed, to save power) and if you take a picture with speeds higher 1/30 of a second, you may not see all the digits.
Spectators -- 5D & EF 35mm f1.4.
28.93 seconds. Dillon at one of the five turns. His best personal record was 21 seconds for a 3x3 solve -- 5D & EF 50mm f1.2.
Harris Chan (in the middle) -- Holds the second place in world record at 7.33 seconds for a 3x3 solve.
Organizers, volunteers -- Jai (in green), Eric Limeback (with the pointing finger).
2.40 seconds for a Rubik's Magic solve. Ryan's personal best is around 1.7 sec.
Eric Limeback solving a 3x3 blindfolded.
The Winners -- Harris Chan first place, Eric Limeback second place, Emily Wang third place.
Harris Chan -- Official Personal Best at 7.33 seconds for a 3x3 solve. This is the second place in world record.