The Canon 70-200mm f2.8 IS USM lens is one of Canon's most popular lenses, especially for pros. It's relatively sharp, very fast for a zoom at this focal range, and has Image Stablization (IS). The down side is that it's heavy and expensive.
I have had this lens for almost four years, and use it less than a dozen times. Many times I have thought of selling it for something I would use more often, but could never made up my mind at the end. Even more, I had a crazy thought of selling it and buy the version II, which I probably would use with the same frequency. I know it's time to have a good look at my lens line up and decide what to do. The lenses I don't use often are 70-200mm f2.8 IS, 100-400mm f4-5.6 IS and 180mm f3.5 macro. And, the least used lens is the 180mm macro. It probably makes more sense to sell this lens and get the 100mm f2.8 IS macro instead. I would probably use it more often. But, every time I hold that lens in my hands, I couldn't bring myself to sell it. It's so %@#$^ nice, both in built quality and optically. For the few times I used it, the longer working distance really was an advantage.
Another option is the manual focus lenses. I simply have too many of them. Duplicates and sometimes triplicates of the same lens. Insane! Some of them I have already posted for sale locally, but haven't sold many yet. They will eventually go to e-Bay. The proceeds would go toward the 1Ds II body. I have had enough headaches with the 5D and manual focus lens compatibility issues. I don't recall having so many problems with my 1Ds, 1D/II/III bodies. Besides, I really miss that EC-L cross split screen. I have kept it when I sold my 1D III, probably because I knew one day I would use it again.
So, in the next few weeks, I will slowly getting rid of some of the lenses. Hopefully, they will fetch enough money for the 1Ds II body.